Thursday 23 June 2011

Perspective Truth

Today's blog is about truth and how it differs from person to person. Now you will say, truth is truth and how can it differ? But the fact is, though the truth does not differ, people's outlook towards it differ greatly. Their perspective is never the same. Of course, here we are not talking about our day to day doings but rather the bigger picture. For example, take Newton's third law of motion. It clearly states that "Every action has an equal and opposite reaction." For a non-physics student the statement itself will be enough but for the student who studies physics, the statement will bring all together different meaning which non physics student will never understand and get more and more confused. So what I mean to say here is, though the statement remains the same, the perspective definitely changes.

Now, there is one more thing about truth. It brings many things with it. For example, Controversy. When someone decides not to believe in something and tries to prove it wrong it becomes a Controversy. The struggle between Truth and Lie. And while doing this journey many other things come up which makes the whole thing more confusing. To make myself clear I will give an example of Aliens. According to me Aliens do exist but according to some they do not exist and hence the controversy regarding existance of Aliens. This has given rise to many sub issues, such as Area 51, Alien Abduction. I assume, everyone now knows the truth about Area 51. If some of the readers are not aware then the truth is It was secret military base of America during the Cold War and to keep it as a secret American govt started the Alien rumour of Area 51. This of course is the brief version.

The other topic of Alien Abduction is whereas a very vast subject. Again, here the perspective of people changes dramatically. The Alien Abduction cases came into limelight in 1950s and 60s. They took place even before that but the event did not get the fame required. Many people believe that Alien Abductions do take place, all you need is Imagination which is the key to all answers. If you dare to imagine then it will happen to you too. Kind of like existance of God in my view. If you believe in God, you will believe in his strength and his position in your life. So, if you believe in Aliens, you will be able to see them. On the other hand, some people take the path of science. They want to see everything as Logic. They want the proof of the Alien Abduction existance. If there are any cases, they would rather do thorough analysis of it than believing in it blindly. I put myself in the second category of people. I do not want to believe it because I feel its all for the fame and publicity. At the same time I would not ridicule it knowing there are many secrets in the Universe which we haven't explored yet. There are many unexplained things on Earth itself which we haven't uncovered.

The moral of the story is, truth can be twisted in anyway we want. It all depends on the perspective of how you look at it. What someone sees as complete truth might be half truth for other. The reason I dwell on this topic is because in this past week I have had many conversations about Alien Abductions and existance of Aliens and many such topics. The truth remained the same, everyone believed that Aliens are out there, somewhere. But the way everyone put it differed very much. So I just thought why not chose this as my next subject. I hope I haven't done a job of sloppy joe and succeeded putting forth what was in my mind. But the truth is- I am confused myself.

You have your way. I have my way. As for the right way, the correct way, and the only way, it does not exist.


  1. Wow Renuka, this is your best post yet! I have asked myself these same questions, but you are very good with words and express some good points here.

    Funny you mention Area 51, because I was visiting my brother one time in Las Vegas, and we came up to an unusual street, where the city "ended", I guess, and it was fenced off, very clean cut land up to a BIG mountain that you could not see over. My brother said, "Oh, that's Area 51 way on the other side of that mountain." Apparently, people are always showing up for protests or events at that spot, with proof of Area 51's existence on the other side of the mountain we saw. At least, that's the Truth to them.

    My grandfather said ONE STORY convinced him that aliens were real. A lady had been abducted, and ended up in insane asylum. So my grandfather knew right away she did not tell her story for fame or money, because it ruined her life. BUT - she was trying to tell people what happened and they started calling her crazy. SO -- she drew a drawing of what she said was the "Pleiades" and that the Aliens had shown her this star cluster during her abduction. It did not match any known stars at that time.

    The lady gets committed to an insane asylum, and dies there. Years later, they build the Hubble Telescope, and eventually they get a crystal clear picture of the Pleiades, and it is EXACTLY as the woman had drawn it, years before. From then on, my grandfather always believed in Alien Abductions.

    As for Truth, I am thankful to have seen UFO's in real life, so it is not such a question to me, as well as having my father teach me about aliens as a kid and gave me books which actually described human-made UFO replicas, or "flying discs", which The Vril actually built in the 50's and 60's. If you understand Science, it's really not as crazy as my words probably look.

    Every living being in our world is Electromagnetic, and human versions of UFO's are simply counter-rotating plasma streams that are "pinched" together using high-frequency lasers. But this creates a Electromagnetic Gravity Field that is not like anything found on Earth, or our solar system, or galaxy, for that matter.

    Whitley Streiber actually built one of these in San Antonio (where I live), in the 50's I suppose, and as soon as it turned on, it shot through the roof and was gone. For good.

    So this brings up the need for an Empath. To understand this you must KNOW THYSELF and know that humans are Golden Ratio, Fractalized Torus Donuts (in Prime Condition), and that Concentration and Focus are powers of unbelievable worth. This brings up the need for abductions, or for the need to find people who are perfectly in the range to be young enough to have Minds not overly polluted by the world, but old enough to grasp the "other side" of life on Earth and the idea of flying such a ship.

    TRUTH, however, is hidden at the core of all that we are speaking of here.

  2. A UFO is a material replica of a Spiritual Merkaba.
    A UFO travels through Outer Space, while a MERKABA is a spiritual "vehicle" of inner-Stellar travel.

    The TRUTH is at the core of all we speak of. These are my only words to you Renuka, dear friend, to help you know once and for all the location of Truth in this world.

    Think of the SNOWFLAKE.

    Imagine that this world and all it's confusing and overlapping information is a SNOW STORM.
    To the human eyes (which always tell lies), it seems that there is nothing but madness, disorder, and no two snowflakes are alike so even the SNOWFLAKES DO NOT AGREE!!!

    YET -- you seek Truth, Renuka, do you not? Then forget the eyes and remember the EYE.

    The EYE can clearly SEE that every snowflake is EXACTLY the SAME and in PERFECT AGREEMENT. Because at the core of every snowflake, is a hexagonal key to the mystery. The 6-sided hexagon is the CENTER of every snowflake, in their Infinite Variety.

    So, in terms of TRUTH, the snowflake teaches us that no matter how varied and different we may all think we are, as the snowflakes in the snow storm may believe, we are TRULY and TRUTHFULLY EQUAL at the CENTER of our BEING.

    Truth, beautiful Renuka, lives inside of you. It is at the CORE of all that you are, all that you see, all that you taste, touch, and feel, and is even the CORE of all that you cannot perceive.

    So, it is always easy to find Truth, because it is not a needle in a haystack. Truth is the meaning of the haystack, and the needle, and the ground it rests upon. The Truth of Creation.

    Know this Truth and you will Know Thyself, and you will know the Universe, as you Will be Known.

    Withdraw into the Temple within. Truth awaits.

  3. Thank you Mem for such deep comment. As i said I do believe in their existance but when it comes to Abduction I am confused in the end. You are right, it is very important to know thyself, it opens up whole new arenas :)

  4. exciting post! I want to see a UFO now!!!

  5. If your desire to see a UFO is more than a passing fancy, then you WILL find what you seek.

    A focused and concentrated Mind always finds its target.

    In the end, this all truly moves beyond the world of belief and into the World of Knowledge. There is no need to believe in that which you Know to be True.
